For the Generational Bondage Breaker
Man, it's on my heart to pray for some of you who are becoming aware of generational habits and health issues that have been hidden by the enemy!
You're realizing that your body wasn't made to be ill, diseased, or hurting and YOU'RE going to be the one that breaks those generaional bondages!
I'm praying STRENGTH in breaking these years of normalizing pain and hurt, in any area of your life, and PROTECTION to restart a life that is prosperous, full of joy, and in freedom. Im praying BREAKAGE for the habits and addicitons some of you want to get rid of, but it's just hard and you need that extra supernatural help to get it done. God knows the desires of your heart and want's to help with our earthly troubles and needs. Im praying WISDOM in discernment that you will be able to use your weapons God has given you to fight where the enemy is trying to keep you in chains. Im praying VICTORY in the things your heart is desiring to become closer to Him.