Our Flesh Craves Worldy Things to Survive
The flesh (our body) can only survive off of earthly things.
There was actually a study of those that retired and didn’t have a hobby, passed sooner, than those WITH a hobbby. That’s why our flesh craves worldy things. It’s the only way it survives.
God is the creator of the world and spiritual things, so our spirit LIVES off of His word, His Spirit, His spiritual gifts and characteristics.
The saying “to die to the flesh is to save the soul” is absolutely correct.
We have to deny our fleshly wants, “kill” it daily like Paul says, by knowing Gods wants and feeding that fire instead.
Your life will change when you start feeding your spirit instead of your “body.” You’re being distracted.
*don’t go starve your body. This means “starving” the worries, doubts, fears, earthly needs, etc…