Why it’s Crucial we are Praying for Those that Cross our Mind.
When Paul was in prison, it was the churches prayers, that interceded on his behalf. God sent him an angel in the night to help him escape prison and then the angel left.
(Acts 12:5-12)
Job, a man known for his faith, was praying for his boys not to sin, but because he was praying out of fear for his sons faith and worry, speaking these feelings, the Bible says what he was speaking was “coming to pass.” Meaning the worries he was speaking about, the sinful life he was trying to keep his boys from, were coming to fruition.
The power of what we speak, brings life or death. That is something to take so literal when we’re living spiritually and not fleshly. (Proverbs 18:21)
The devil doesn’t want us to pray because even he trembles at Gods name!!
The devil is never someone with an original thought, so knowing how God wants us to be, spiritually, takes studying through The Word!
So, How the devil manipulate the power we had with our words? His own form of spirituality:
Deuteronomy 8:10-12
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,
or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.
When we speak things like “I’m never” “I’ve always” “I struggle with,” “my ancestors” we’re not realizing the words we speak are causing the situation to keep happening. Word curses.
But when we pray for our situations, we’re interceding with our faith and authority. The devil can’t bargain with God.
ask God to send angelic protection over your loved ones and kids. Include God in every thought you’re considering speaking.
You may not be able to see spiritually, yet because of lukewarm practice, but when you give God all the authority over the vessel you are, you have the same assistance Paul did, too.
You have this power and authority over the devil. Time to use it and take back control over what the enemy is stealing.
Gods way ♥️