It’s Okay to Let Relationships Go…
When you’re healing from hurt, trauma, anger, unforgiveness, distance, sometimes it’s okay to not go back to those relationships/friendships/family members, venting to them why you’re hurt or upset. It’s only causing more damage for YOU to maintain then it is to move on.
God will take you through seasons where your 3rd grade best friend is Okay to leave in elementary. Lol You don’t have to try to maintain relationships with everyone you’ve had a relationship with in the past. Hold close to the Guy upstairs and you will have the peace you’re wanting from something you’re holding so much hurt from. Let Go and Let God, right?
Staying in some of these relationships can be devil keeping you from growth seasons God is trying to handle FOR YOU.
Conviction, peace, comfort, are signs that God could be revealing to you that’s “it’s okay.”